Friday 14 March 2014

Ella's Yummy Delights, Brighton

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Jordan and I recently went back home to the south coast to enjoy the sea air and glorious spring weather. We whizzed over to Brighton one afternoon and found ourselves strolling down the Laines with my camera in tow marvelling at the antique markets and stalls filled with exotic stones and jewels. We've lived here for most of our lives but I still have yet to grow tired of everything this city has to offer.

We were determined to find somewhere that would welcome us in and allow us to nurse our food babies (from our lunch at Burger Brothers - post coming soon!) with freshly brewed coffee and tea. I think we've found it. Ella's Yummy Delights - a café nestled between a row of independent shops and restaurants on Queens Road, a short walk from Brighton train station. Step inside and you'll be greeted with a warm 'hello', the smell of freshly baked cakes and quirky ornaments shipped in from Germany dotted around the shop. Check out those cow milk jugs - I'll take the lot.

It's a family run café by the loveliest mother and daughter team who constantly had a smile on their face and were more than happy to chat away whilst they were getting ready to recaffeinate us. We sank into the seats with our brew in hand (flat white for Jordan and a soy chai latte for me) and jealously watched generous slabs of cakes and pastries being served to hungry customers. I tried to wake up the special reserved spot in my tum for dessert but only received a lazy groan and a snore in response. I spotted a Chinese couple nestled in the corner with a giant chunk of cappuccino cake and warm biscotti pieces - they kept exclaiming loudly in Cantonese about how amazingly delicious it was.

Pfft, I'll be back for you, carrot cake *shakes fist*

You can find Ella's Yummy Delights here for your own piece of heaven.

Monday 10 March 2014

You Doughnut, London

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I am fond of indulging in a doughnut (or three) from time to time. 

I'm counting down the days until I can merrily stroll down Brighton seafront and stop off at one of the food stalls dotted around the pier. I'll order a portion of their freshly fried doughnuts and request for them to slather it with melted Nutella. I'll then skip towards the sun whilst it's still piping hot and fend off the seagulls that have set their beady eyes on it.

The problem is, I'm back in London with no plans to return 'home home' for another two weeks. No need to fret though, I've found us a replacement to tide us over in the mean time.

Allow me to present... You Doughnut @ Hawker House.  

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Always trust a vendor that promises you hot and fresh doughnuts with twinkling fairy lights to match. Warm salted caramel? Cinnamon sugar?? Mini marshmallows?!?! This is the place that dreams are made of - well, where amazing doughnuts are born but that's basically the same thing.

We ordered 10 bites for £6. 

Please Sir, May I have five of your finest cinnamon sugar covered doughnuts with warm salted caramel sauce topped with chopped walnuts...

...and five of your cinnamon sugar covered doughnuts with coffee maple syrup and chopped walnuts please?!

I handed over my coins and watched in awe as he prepared the batter and conjured them up with a flourish. Why don't I have a personal doughnut station in my bedroom?

 Look out for this lovely chap a.k.a the doughnut connoisseur, he very patiently endured my rambles before happily sending me on my way with the decorated fried goods in hand. 

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It was a marriage of the sweet and savoury. 

We quickly blew on it as an attempt to cool it down. As you sink your teeth in for your first bite, you're met with an explosion of textures and flavours. 

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There's the piping hot dough, the swirl of salted caramel/coffee syrup sauce, the crunch of the nuts before ending it all with a lick of the lips to get the rest of the delicious cinnamon sugar off. Not a lot compares to this, does it? 

You can find You Doughnut on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date with where they'll be next! I hear they'll be moving to the Southbank from April - you'll know where to find me...

Tuesday 4 March 2014

2 Ingredient Healthy Banana Pancakes (Low Carb, Gluten-Free and Dairy Free!)

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Happy Pancake Day!

 Forget about drowning your crepes in an ocean of maple syrup and overly fried bacon...
 how about we rustle up a stack of pancakes that look the part, taste like the real thing and are 100% clean too?

The eggs are a great source of protein and healthy fats, the banana provides you with a burst of energy and potassium whilst the apple gives you a good dose of fiber!

Behold, my 2 ingredient banana pancakes with hot apple cinnamon slices. Delicious, guilt-free and even easier to make than the traditional kind. No sieving and measuring required. I also filmed a video version of the recipe too (that's embedded below) if you fancy watching it.

 Let's go!

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You Will Need: 

2 medium free range eggs
1 ripe medium-large sized banana
Blueberries (optional)

{Cinnamon Apple Slices}: 
An apple
Honey (optional)

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1. Crack two eggs into your food processor/blender/mixing bowl.

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2. Add in your chopped banana.

(If you're mixing these by hand, make sure to pre-mash the banana before adding it into the egg!)

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3. Blend/mix until smooth.

For a more authentic appearance, I would use a food blender/smoothie maker. Pulse it for about a minute or so; this will result in incredibly light and fluffy golden pancakes. You could also mash the ingredients by hand with a fork. Try and get it as smooth as possible as the rougher the texture, the more it'll look like little banana omelettes than pancakes ;)

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4. Pre-heat your pan to a low-medium heat. Drizzle in some olive/coconut oil and pour in your pancake mix!

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5. Once they're starting to firm up and form little 'bubbles' on the surface, it's flippin' time. Repeat until there isn't any batter left. Stack them and you're done!

Now it's time for the cinnamon apple slices:

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1. Slice the apple into a bowl.

2. Sprinkle in your desired amount of cinnamon and mix.

3. Add a little hot water and microwave for 3-4 minutes.

4. Serve them with your pancakes and drizzle in some honey for added sweetness.

5. Marvel, snap a picture for Instagram to show off your culinary skills and enjoy.

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It's really that easy to make. It tastes even better knowing that it's incredibly healthy for you too! Let me know if you end up making these!

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...and the video version :)